About Natasha:
I am a reiki master. I offer reiki at my home as well as at Wise Mountain Medicine and St. Charles Medical Center. The first time I received reiki I had a very powerful experience, which included visions that soon became reality. I knew immediately that I wanted to learn more about and work with this amazing energy. Reiki is a powerful tool in my life that I feel honored to share with others. Reiki supports my deep desire to assist people in their goals of healing, health, and transformation. Education:
What is reiki?
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) means universal life force energy. Reiki is a Japanese energy-based technique for stress reduction and relaxation, which promotes healing. What happens during a reiki treatment?
In a reiki session you lay fully clothed on the treatment table. Reiki is channeled through my hands to you, through light touch with my hands placed on or near your body. Reiki creates a state of deep relaxation, which promotes healing by working with your life force energy to help restore the flow of balance on all levels: mind, body, and spirit. While we converse before and after the session, there is typically no conversation during the session to keep the state of deep relaxation, unless you have a question or request. What will I experience during a reiki treatment?
The goal is for you to feel comfortable and relaxed during your session. You may feel a variety of sensations including warmth, tingling, pulsing, or other sensations. Your mind should calm, and you may experience a dream-like or meditative state. Each person responds uniquely, and the energy flows and heals, regardless of what you feel during the session. After a session, you may feel the energy continuing to flow. Common experiences include peacefulness and a heightened sense of well-being. Depending on what has been cleared or healed during the session, you may also feel heightened emotions or tired. The benefits of reiki include:
How much does a treatment cost?
In person: 60 minute session: $90 90 minute session: $120 Distant: 60 minute session: $75 90 minute session: $105 Sliding scale available for those in need. Contact Natasha. What is distant reiki?
Distance reiki can be sent to anyone, anywhere and at any time. Distance reiki is performed on someone who is not physically present, and all the benefits are still available. Clients who may prefer this option include:
© 2023 Natasha Bacca